In some cases, the product deteriorates with time and humidity. It thus releases fine particles of UFFI, or formaldehyde vapours, which linger in indoor air. An air analysis will ensure that your home meets safety standards.

UFFI / Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is known to be carcinogenic. Levels typically found in houses are generally too low to cause cancer.
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A recognized carcinogen
Levels typically found in houses are generally too low to cause cancer. However, prolonged exposure to moderate levels can cause irritation of the nose, eyes, and throat. It may also intensify asthma symptoms. Health Canada considers that indoor air caused no issues when levels were below 50 μg/m3 (0.04 ppm). However, prolonged exposure to more than 50 μg/m3 (0.04 ppm) could lead to health problems, particularly in children. At 123 μg/m3 (0.1 ppm), risk of irritation or burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat increases. 6
Urea-Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI)
Marketed in the 60s in Europe, UFFI was widely used in the 70s in Quebec, before being banned in 1980. It was mainly used to insulate outer walls between brick layers and interior walls of the house. You can identify signs that UFFI was used by the presence of finishing points in the brick joints that fill injection cavities every 2 to 3 feet.

Why can UFFI represent a danger?
Most formaldehyde released by UFFI happened at the moment of, or shortly after its installation. Because it was banned in 1980, and most major installations decontaminated shortly afterwards, it is now rare to find a house insulated with UFFI that releases high levels of formaldehyde into the air.
More commonly known as formalin when dissolved in water, formaldehyde is a volatile or VOC organic compound that is particularly dangerous to health. Part of the aldehyde family, it has a very low molecular weight. At room temperature, it gasifies. It is then essential to make sure that your environment does not contain any.
Harmful to health
Formaldehyde enters interiors in different ways, without being noticed. It can be embedded in carpets and rugs, with cigarette smoke, in plywood wood panels, insulation or glues.
Widely used, formaldehyde is nevertheless harmful. It can cause serious irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. In addition, it can cause skin allergies, usually resulting in eczema. It can cause asthma or allergic rhinitis.
Formaldehyde is one of the pollutants found in large quantities in homes. In some cases, its concentration is 10 times, or even 50 times, higher than that observed outdoors. To protect yourself, avoid using any product that may contain it. If you have just bought plywood furniture, carpet or carpet, first place them in a secluded room for 15 days before installing them permanently.
If you want to know the formaldehyde concentration of your home, do not hesitate to contact us. At Benjel, we can analyze the air quality of your home. Thus, you will be able to know if your indoor air presents a danger to your health or not.
Because you will spend much of your time at home, it is more than fundamental that the air you breathe there is healthy. Thanks to an air analysis meticulously carried out by our team, you will enjoy a healthy atmosphere in your home. Do not neglect this, especially when you know that VOCs, such as formaldehyde, can be highly concentrated indoors.
Remember that this element can be very toxic. When it takes the form of an aqueous solution, it can burn if it reaches a temperature above its flash point. In addition, it causes allergies, irritations, cancer as well as occupational diseases. Seek our services as soon as you feel the need.